Media Training + Geopolitical Risk + Corporate Responsibility
Media Training, Strategy and Key Messaging
Your personality, and that of your company’s, is your best sell. Be prepared for the positives. And always for when crisis hits too.
McKay Global offers customized media training for CEOs, executives, leaders and representatives – in individual and group settings. Focus on your key messaging with precision, confidence, clarity and originality.
Tailor individual and group media training sessions and strategy FOR EXECUTIVES, OFFICIALS, COMPANIES, INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP SETTINGS.
Investigate and produce highly detailed, well-written, strategic and inside intelligence driven reports pertaining to a region’s geopolitical climate, state and non-state group dynamics, identifying critical concerns and growth potential.
Analyze human rights issues, anticipate challenges, hot and cold conflicts, cyber concerns, human rights abuses and recommends courses of action for national security, government policy and business strategy.
Develops comprehensive social responsibility, highlighting how client can prevent problems before they arise and ensure projects thrive, and contribute to and benefit the communities in which they operate to ensure optimal local support and return.
Media training aids communicators in maintaining control of the interview, the most appropriate body language, understanding key inside nuances as to how the industry and its various mediums – from television, printed, digital, social media and beyond – so one can always put their best foot forward.
From on-camera drills, practice rounds and polishing the spoken word – the right media training is pivotal to not only communicate all projects and values succinctly, but navigate challenging interview terrain with charisma and confidence.
We got you.
Geopolitical Risk Assessment
Yes. There is a vital need. It can make or break your project.
If considering a project in a volatile or emerging market, you are going to have to have the full – and often untold – story of what is really happening. After all, any geopolitical ups and downs inside and out could drastically impact your timeline for success.
Here is the deal. Governments, companies, investors and corporations doing business throughout the world have a need to correctly interpret their best course of action under complex circumstances. The consequences of miscalculation can be catastrophic.
Problems can arise overseas tip-toeing the nuances of brutality. Even in safe-haven countries to which refugees have fled, overlooking the echoes of conflict, war crimes and terrorism can be severe. It is critical to assess past, present and future issues.
Do you want to be sure that you aren’t setting your project just miles from a genocide?
Do you want to know what the deal is with the government’s expropriating, confiscating your assets?
What are the local cultural dynamics? Is there brewing civil unrest? Are there undue regulatory burdens? Do you understand cultural customs, etiquette and the way the deal works in the region?
Is climate change going to make its mark?
What is the human rights record and how can you avoid being caught up in a crisis communications catastrophe?
What the diplomatic dos and don’ts? Should you be worried about terrorism, populism, black markets or insurgents?
What are the health woes? Has COVID-19 been adequately managed?
In this regard, conventional analysis of the subject often misses the mark. A broader view of affairs on the ground is strategic. Subject matter experts able to explain the nuances of dictators, warlords, operatives, victims and refugees from an on the ground perspective are the most valuable. Experts who have directly interacted with both powerful and lowly persons of interest, the most valuable of all.
This is not an isolated exercise. Many countries, cultures and political situations risk their agendas because they overlook nuances. Business and government leaders at the highest levels need solid perspective from subject matter experts to see with clarity when their staff cannot. For some things, third-person collected data will not suffice. And dogma-based policy based on insular assumptions portends disastrous outcomes.
In a nutshell, every investor, developer, player and leader needs to take risk into paramount consideration when amassing that portfolio. Understanding geopolitical risk – deeper than what you can read or see on the surface – will help you assess that risk. Our world-class perspective advisors require the capability to generate tangible solutions is a major asset for policy, research and consulting organizations based on firsthand interaction with principal actors.
Few people on this planet have achieved this level of access.
In addition, due diligence investigations are a must in any scenario when a company, person or entity is involved in a high-stakes transaction. McKay Global assessments provide deep, intelligence-driven reviews on issues both domestically and globally.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Boosting your host community can no longer be an afterthought for any project.
A corporation making investments in troubled areas must assess the suitability, stability and sustainability of the locations where it places capital. Millions, if not billions, are in play. The same corporation must be aware of, and account for, positive and negative repercussions in any other part of the world where it also has interests. The management of negative reputational effects because of where and whom a company done business with is often a far more complex amalgam than initially thought.
Armed with top-notch intel, analytics on on-the-ground assessments and testimonials, we will synthesize and summarize a practical CSR plan – essentially a self-regulating business model – that empowers you and your team to be socially responsible for aiding and improving the communities impacted by your project. These plans factor in the needs from an economic, environment and social landscape.
After all, you are accountable. To your stakeholders. Your team. The public. The people. You are there to enhance society, not make lives worse – right?
Our specialized plans not only illuminate the various programs, charities, businesses and institutes which will benefit from your hand – it’s a win-win – but we take the extra step in facilitating connections and putting those plans into motion.
And remember, as critical as CSR is for the countries and communities you endeavor to set up shop in, it is just as valuable for you. Your company. Your employees. Your leaders and your mission.
We are in this together. We have you covered. This is the new era of mutual respect, growth and accomplishment.